What is THATCamp Canberra?
THATCamp Canberra is a user-generated ‘unconference’ on digital humanities. It’s inspired by the original THATCamp, organised by the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at George Mason University, and is one of many THATCamps springing up around the world. (‘THAT’ = ‘The Humanities And Technology’.)
What’s an ‘unconference’?
According to Wikipedia, an unconference is ‘a conference where the content of the sessions is created and managed by the participants, generally day-by-day during the course of the event, rather than by one or more organizers in advance of the event’. An unconference is not a spectator event. Participants in an unconference present their work, share their knowledge, ask questions, and actively collaborate with fellow participants.
But don’t be intimidated — THATCamps are also a great place to get started in the digital humanities. They’re friendly, welcoming and free!
Learn more about what makes a THATCamp so special.
Who should attend?
Anyone with an interest in the digital humanities. This includes academics, students (undergrads and postgrads), independent scholars, new media practitioners, curators, archivists, librarians, artists, hackers, developers, data-mungers and more. From complete newbies to hardened coders, anyone with the energy to explore the possibilities and problems raised by the application of technology to the humanities is welcome at THATCamp Canberra. Given our location in the nation’s capital, we hope to see plenty of staff from our national cultural institutions. If you’re worried about being out of your depth, take advantage of our custom-tailored workshops.
How do the workshops fit in?
On the first day of THATCamp Canberra we’ll be running a series digital humanities workshops. The workshops will provide an introduction to some of the tools, methods, technologies and standards used by researchers in the digital humanities. It’s a camp within a camp – a crash course to get you up and running, helping you to get the most out of your THATCamp experience.
What should I propose?
That’s up to you. Sessions might include software demos, panel discussions, training sessions or group hacks, but no written papers please! You don’t need to have all the answers, but if you propose a session you’ll be expected to facilitate discussion. Come along with something in mind and we’ll throw it into the mix. In true unconference style we’ll develop the program on the spot. We’ll also be opening this blog to confirmed participants and inviting them to post their session ideas in advance.
When and where?
THATCamp Canberra will be held from 31 October to 2 November 2014 at the National Library of Australia. More information on the schedule will be available soon.
What’s the connection with Trove?
Trove is the National Library of Australia’s discovery service, and a whole lot more. Trove is not just a website, it’s also a platform for building new collaborations, new tools and interfaces, and new types of research. Trove turns five in November Trovember and we thought a THATCamp was a perfect way to celebrate. Let’s wish Trove a happy birthday by building, learning, and sharing.
How do I register?
Numbers are limited so get in quick. Registration will be on a first come first served basis. Just fill in the registration form and tell us a little about yourself. Feel free to be brief – just give us an idea of what your interests are and what you hope to get out of your THATCamp experience.
How much does it cost?
Nothing. That’s right, nothing. THATCamp Canberra is free.
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