Katie Mills – THATCamp Canberra 2014 http://2014.thatcampcanberra.org Tue, 01 Dec 2020 13:05:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.16 Session proposal – spatially explore via mapping an Australian historical problem http://2014.thatcampcanberra.org/2014/10/session-proposal-spatially-explore-via-mapping-an-australian-historical-problem/ http://2014.thatcampcanberra.org/2014/10/session-proposal-spatially-explore-via-mapping-an-australian-historical-problem/#comments Wed, 29 Oct 2014 22:42:00 +0000 http://2014.thatcampcanberra.org/?p=340 ***NOTE: I don’t want to facilitate this as I don’t have the mapping experience, I am just interested in this area***
I would like to see a session please on how you could use maps (with layers of information) to explore an Australian historical debate/event that is spatial/locational in nature (on Saturday not Sunday as I can’t attend on Sun). Perhaps Paul Hagon could lead this and Tim Sherratt, being a historian, could identify a suitable example?
Check out this link as an example – examining what happened on the Battle of Gettysburg spatially (via a 3D model of the landscape using contour plans) actually proved finally, after years of debate amongst historians, that General Lee lost the battle because he lacked crucial visibility of key areas of the battlefield.

http://2014.thatcampcanberra.org/2014/10/session-proposal-spatially-explore-via-mapping-an-australian-historical-problem/feed/ 4