Kate Davis


I'm a lecturer in library and information studies at QUT. I teach in online service delivery, applications of emerging technologies (particularly web based) for information programs, products and services, and collections management. I have an interest in research data management, research support services in academic libraries, online service provision, discovery and the changing face of collections management.

I am also a PhD student and I'm investigating the information experience of new mums in social media. Other research is mostly on hold at the moment, but I am also working on a project to develop a whole of course framework for blended learning.

I'm a cut and paste techie, gadget girl, and advocate of informal learning. I'm a qualitative researcher with an interest in exploring people's experience of information, tagging, curation, discovery... I'm a National Library fangirl with an interest in how our national collections intersect and enrich each other.

I'm also @katiedavis (life stream) and tweet from my research group's account @qutisg.